In order for Anointments to work:
You must first Believe that there is a God -HEBREWS 11: 6. Who is Spirit -JOHN 4: 24. The Holy Spirit -MARK 3: 28-29. Who sent a man called Messiah Yahoshéa (Joshua / Jesus) -JOHN 17: 3. To Preach the Kingdom of God -LUKE 4: 43-44. Who has a Kingdom not of this world -JOHN 18: 36. Who was killed and hung on a tree -ACTS 10: 39. Who from the tomb came to life three days after -ACTS 10: 40. Who is now at the Right hand of God in Heaven -1 PETER 3: 22. Who came to life in order that He might Undo the works of the Devil -1 JOHN 3: 8. For all those who Believe in His Name -JOHN 1: 12. Who Believe that He is the Messiah, the Spiritual Son of God -JOHN 20: 31. The Saviour of the world -1 JOHN 4: 14. Who will come again to judge the living and the dead -2 TIMOTHY 4: 1.
If you do not Believe the above, then please leave this site now. If you do Believe the above, then please repeat the below prayer out loud :
..."God, our SPIRITUAL FATHER, I come to YOU in prayer. YOU who is in the Messiah and to the Messiah Who is in YOU. I come to YOU through the medium of the Name of YOUR Beloved Spiritual SON, Messiah Yahoshéa (Joshua / Jesus) -JOHN 14: 12-14. I recognize that I am a sinner. I repent and confess all of my sins -1 JOHN 1: 7-10. I confess with my mouth that Adon Yahoshéa the Nazoraean is the Messiah, YOUR SPIRITUAL SON -1 JOHN 4: 15. And that YOU, the One and Only True GOD Raised Him from the dead -ACTS 4: 10. I am Saved, Healed, Anointed, and Delivered. Through the Messiah I am YOUR Spiritual Child and promise to do what is Right and love all of YOUR people. YOU created us in YOUR image to manifest YOUR Power on earth, through the medium of the Name of YOUR SPIRITUAL SON, Messiah Yahoshéa the Nazoraean -1 JOHN 3: 23. Amen!"...